Our mobile lending library (Biblioteca La Puerta) with over 250 members meets every Tuesday on a covered patio in the community of Chilamatillo. Children are able to borrow books, attend story time, do a craft and receive a snack. They also have the opportunity to participate in several programs we offer.
This year (2021) we opened a second lending library in the community where we now live. This library meets every other week and is located in one of the schools. We are excited to be able to bless the children in our community as well as begin to develop relationships with them.
Programa de Lectura: Children meet in groups of two to practice their reading skills or to learn the alphabet.
Amiguitos de Libros: Children, who are confident readers, are partnered with a younger child to whom they read a story.
Puerta Pesos Programa: Library members earn ‘Puerta Pesos’ by attending activities, participating in the various programs and serving in the library, Kids’ Club or community events. The pesos can then be used in our library store where the children can purchase school supplies, toiletries or toys.
Teen Section: We offer computer access with internet, resource books on different subjects for their school projects and more age-appropriate books with a comfortable sitting area where they can read undisturbed.
Our library needs: Books in Spanish, craft supplies, snacks, and inventory for library store.
Latest Library News: It is important to us to continually encourage children to stay in school and continue their education. Through our library, we now have a tutor who holds sessions three days a week to help children with their homework, raise their reading level, and learn the alphabet and mathematical facts.
If you are interested in helping, please contact us or click this link to make a donation: paypal.me/heavensstorehouses